Prepared by,

Chi Dang

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EFDEA Operational Manager


18 FEB 2021

Weekly Update - Laos


Increasing Chinese influence is causing concerns among citizens in Laos. Through China’s Belt and Road Initiative, hydropower dams and other infrastructure projects under Beijing’s massive investment of some $1.3 trillion are harming instead of benefiting the people. Agricultural farming such as banana, sugarcane, rubber trees and other crops owned by China and other foreign investors such as Vietnam and Thailand are polluting local land and rivers, harming Laotians’ livelihoods. Local villagers have been pressuring the authorities to investigate foreignowned companies of their overuse of chemicals in their farming practices in Laos. Banana farming is a major source of employment in rural Laos where local workers are hired in nurseries, planting, and harvesting. However, illnesses and deaths have long been reported among Lao workers who were exposed to chemicals on foreign-owned farms. These foreign companies are also notorious for polluting Laos’ waterways, killing fish and poisoning drinking water sources. Since China is Lao’s largest foreign investor and aid provider, the government has been kowtowing under economic pressure.

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